Price Sensitive Information Dividend Recommendation 25th AGM Revaluation of Land Dividend Recommendation 24th AGM Dividend Recommendation 23rd AGM 1st quarter Financials 31st March 2018 Dividend Recommendation 22nd AGM 3rd quarter Financials 30 September 2016 Half Yearly Financials 2017 1st quarter Financials 31st March 2017 Dividend Recommendation 21st AGM 3rd quarter Financials 30 September 2016 Half Yearly Financials 2016 1st quarter Financials 31st March 2016 Dividend Recommendation 20th AGM Half Yearly Financials 2015 Dividend Recommendation 19th AGM Half Yearly Financials 2014 Dividend Recommendation 18th AGM Half Yearly Financials 2013 Dividend Recommendation 17th AGM Half Yearly Financials 2012 Dividend Recommendation 16th AGM Half Yearly Financials 2011 Enhancement of Authorize Share Capital Dividend Recommendation 15th AGM Licence for Merchant Bank as Subsidiary Formation of subsidiary company PFCML Half Yearly Financials 2010 Denomination of Share Face Value Dividend Recommendation 14th AGM Purchasing of land PFI Sec Ltd. converted as Public Ltd. Company PFAMCL obtained licence as an Asset Management Company Enhancement of Authorized Share Capital Dividend Recommendation 13th AGM Launching_Prime Finance 2nd MF Agreement signing between EMG Ltd. and Prime Finance Dividend Recommendation 12th AGM Dividend Recommendation 11th AGM Dividend Recommendation 10th AGM